(Featuring Moon Signs and VOC computed for Philippine Time Zone )

VOC and Moon Sign Calendar
Filipino Astrologer has created astrological timing guides, in e-book format, to help more Filipinos. Each of his works, 4 in all, have a calendar. The most basic of these guides is the VOC calendar, featured in Astro Energy: Plan with VOC. It contains the inauspicious time periods that must be avoided when choosing a good date and time for major activities. The VOC calendar for the current month is posted here. When choosing a good date for an important activity, avoid inauspicious time periods indicated in the black box.
To know more about astrological timing, please join this group on Facebook– FATE: Filipino Astrologer Timing Essentials | Facebook.
The first step in timing using astrology is to avoid inauspicious time periods. VOCs or void of course moon periods are the first ones to take note of. The VOC calendar posted here is computed for the Philippines. If you are residing in another country, you can convert the data here to your local time zone. A US edition of Filipino Astrologer’s timing guides is available for Fil-Ams.
Avoid scheduling major activities during VOC periods. Major activities are those that require a big investment in terms of time and money such as business opening, getting married, or signing an important contract.
So what happens when you sign a contract when the Moon is VOC? VOC means there is not enough energy to make an activity successful. A contract signed when it’s VOC can indicate that the contract will be voided or will not be honored. A business that begins when its VOC can mean that it will not flow smoothly as planned. A relationship that begins during VOC may not last.
For advanced VOC calendar and other timing guides, you may subscribe to Filipino Astrologer’s 2022 Timing Essentials.