by Bridgette Diaz

In a 2013 article published in the Astrology Friends Philippines blog, Resti Santiago, the main proponent of traditional astrology in the Philippines, identified some key factors in the prediction of earthquakes. Mars, Saturn, and the Moon. The prominence of Mars in a given period of time (e.g. Mars hour, Scorpio ascendant, Mars being in a prominent position for the current year, etc.) or even its retrograde can bring about earthquakes. Of course, the prominence of Saturn is also among the warning signals. Aspects between these two malefics, however, have been the main tip-offs for periods of heightened caution. For example, as the conjunction between Mars and Saturn grew more and more exact in 2016, a 6.2 magnitude earthquake hit central Italy and a 6.0 magnitude one hit Indonesia. As for the moon, in the same article, Filipino Astrologer said that “lunations such as the New Moon, Full Moon, Quarter Moon, oftentimes act as a trigger to these factors.
The studies of another astrologer Richard Nolle revealed that Supermoons […] can also be a major activator of earthquakes.” The 2016 7.4 magnitude earthquake in New Zealand was a supermoon earthquake along with the earthquake that hit Afghanistan-Pakistan in 2015. Certain “occultations” or in other words, eclipses, like the moon “covering” Venus, Mars, and/or Mercury can also be a trigger. Among these identified major factors, Pluto and even Jupiter and Uranus also come into play. When Mars and Pluto were changing directions one after the other in 2016, a powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit Ecuador and killed 233. Disharmonious aspects between Jupiter and Uranus have also foretold the possibility of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
It must be clarified that, as can be observed in the examples, astrologers are concerned only with predicting magnitude 5 and above earthquakes.
On Ethics
Something that cannot be left out when discussing responsible astrology is the topic of ethics–more so when it comes to making alarming predictions like ones concerning natural disasters. That is the reason behind the rather underground and silent exploration that has become of the astrological prediction of earthquakes–you cannot just go out there crying wolf if your research, method, and of course, a prediction is not solid otherwise you will most likely cause more chaos than you will ever prevent. The importance of not just carefully making predictions but also carefully delivering them to the public is rooted in averting panic, and it is reinforced by bastardizing acts of random individuals who call themselves astrologers predicting natural disasters that actual, practicing astrologers will never claim to see coming even if you paint an image of the supposed disaster and slowly smash them in the face with it. In fact, such acts made Astrology Friends Philippines history. One of the first astrology nights was organized for the sake of debunking 8 or 9 magnitude earthquake predictions. The bottom line is, until things are final in the study of predicting earthquakes through astrology, no claim or action will be made or published as if the opposite is true. And when it is, these predictions will be presented to the public in the most tasteful, most careful, most level-headed, and most ethical manner for the sake of all people and for the sake of astrology.
It is also in the discussion of ethics that the topic of the “big one” comes up. As exciting and important this might be for both astrology enthusiasts and non-enthusiasts, given the still rudimentary state of the discipline of earthquake prediction (despite much progress), astrologers avoid trying to predict it for now.
Given how modern astrology still hogs most of the popularity of astrology and that traditional astrologers have varied interests and specializations, a thorough evaluation of the progress of earthquake prediction through astrology cannot be made. According to Mr. Santiago, people work on it “occasionally” or as a hobby. Though the accuracy of predictions, the matching of configurations in the sky with events on earth, serve as a comforting reassurance that despite sporadic work, there is progress and that the establishment of a systematic method of predicting earthquakes will happen sooner now compared to a few years ago, there is no comprehensive compilation of points for improvement or specific accomplishments in terms of method.
Astrologers are not Prophets of Doom
As for Mr. Santiago, his main concern currently is removing “the prophet of doom” tag on astrologers. This is how mainstream media tend to portray astrologers whenever they attempt to come out with an important prediction–as if they are one of the horsemen prophesied in the Book of Revelation. Still, Mr. Santiago acknowledges that the media is not to be blamed for this entirely since bogus fortune-tellers or self-proclaimed prognosticators have used the “end of the world” narrative to get attention. I think, at this point, it is worth reiterating that the stance of Filipino Astrologer is that (some aspect of ) astrology is scientific, citing Dr. Percy Seymour’s work as main arguments to support this stance. Dr. Percy Seymour is an astrophysicist. If any individual who claims to be an astrologer cannot back up their “prophecies” with the recognized method of traditional astrology, they are fakes. Astrological predictions, of course, are expected to be based and made through sound astrological methods.
This essay was first published in Filipino Astrologer 2018 Auspicious Timing Guides Book 6.