Modern practitioners of Medieval or Traditional Astrology assert that the kind of astrology that was re-introduced in the West in the 19th century, which became popular in the 20th century particularly from the 60s-90s, is much different from the kind of astrology that was practiced from Hellenistic times until about the Medieval and Renaissance periods. Robert Zoller, one of the key figures in the revival of the older or original versions of astrology, considers Medieval Astrology as the peak in the development of astrology.
Astrology broke from its thousand year tradition starting on the 17th century and by the 20th century, the break was complete–astrology was reinvented. Zoller asserts that modern astrology, which arose from the Theosophical and New Age movements, was meant for character analysis. Hence, it was more applicable for psychoanalyzing and personality development but when it comes to “practical matters” such as in making predictions, astrological timing, and grappling with one’s fate modern astrology is incomplete, if not inapplicable.
The missing elements are what Medieval and Traditional Astrology will provide to 21st century practitioners of the art. If we want astrology to be more useful in the 21st century, the ancient systems must be must be used. The concepts and techniques are already available–it is ours for the taking.
*First published in Medieval Astro Clock 2011. The term Medieval Astrology was replaced with the more inclusive term Traditional Astrology with techniques developed around from 100 BC to 1600s.