The Stars and a Wedding in France

Testimonial of a love-struck lawyer Part 1 By Judy Repol I first consulted Resti in August 2012. My main reason for requesting a reading from him then was, I’ve been in a relationship with my (then) boyfriend but I felt like it was leading me nowhere. It was my first reading with an astrologer ever,…

Progression for 2019- 2020

Using the July 4, 1946 Philippine birth chart, the Philippines turns 73 years old this July. To look at the Progression chart for this year, we look at the planetary configurations 73 days after July 4, 1946. In the Philippine progressed chart for July 4, 2019 to July 3, 2020, the highlight is the conjunction…

Aries Ingress and Beginnings

Filipino Astrologer’s annual ebook Astro-Year presents forecasts on different aspects of our national life as well as analyses on the charts of our leaders. It also has practical guides for business people, especially those who invest in the local stock market. There are also projections on the movement of the Philippine peso, US dollar, gold,…

Eclipses Bring Change

By Resti Santiago The  eclipsed signs this year are Capricorn, Cancer and  Leo. Eclipses always bring about transformation in their lives. So, those with these signs should be ready to welcome change. It is easier if the change is from within. Solar Eclipse in Capricorn (January 6, 2019) This is a Solar eclipse, pertaining to…

Astrologizing the Weather in 2018

By Resti H. Santiago Predicting natural calamities is no joke. The task requires years of study and some form of fortitude to continue working on a controversial topic that one believes can be helpful to more people. I started my systematic study of the weather using astrology in 2010, a year after Typhoon Ondoy. I…